Homework for Lesson 5- self-coaching model I did on movement

Read AnswerHi! I’m submitting my homework for Lesson 5, a self-coaching model I did on movement. I know I need feedback to improve my skills (thank you Confidence Bootcamp podcast episode!). C: Movement TD: I didn’t move yesterday, and I should have....

Feeling at odds with undieting

Read AnswerI am wondering how this can fit into helping someone who wants to undiet their life and is ready to stop the diet cycle: how do you manage this when the person is morbidly obese and needs a back surgery that the surgeon stated cannot be done until weight...

Body Neutrality, Neutralizing Negativity

Read AnswerI thought I was getting towards body neutrality. Then I started to Liberate and did the inventory of old thoughts. And bam, I realized I had some heavy thoughts about my body. One that totally resonated with me and which I accepted as FACT all my life was:...

Ready to give up

Read Answer I’m reaching out because I am almost at the point to give up on the program. Now, I eat everything I want to eat and I don’t restrict my food anymore or don’t feel guilty about it anymore. However, I know I am still overeating a lot which...

Mind drama about stopping when I’m full

Read AnswerI’ve been practicing connecting with my body to feel when I’m hungry and full. No problem is for the hungry part. I let myself eat when I want and connect to the satisfaction of eating everything without restricting myself. I’m...

Unintentional model-Being out of shape

Read AnswerWanting to check this model to see if I am on track? I just did the full model for one of the thoughts from the thought download. C: Walking on the trail with the dogs TD: This should be easier for me to do… I am really out of shape. I should be able...