Definition of Patriarchy

Read AnswerHello! A few times in the videos, I’ve heard Stephanie talk about Patriarchy. Would you be able to define patriarchy and explain how that has impacted women’s body perspectives? I’m just a little unclear on the connection. Thanks!Hello! A...

Confident: Self Coaching model

Read AnswerHello, I am on the Confident section and doing the worksheet Neutralize Your Thoughts. I’ve put together my first model and wanted to be sure I am doing it correctly. Thank you. C: Changing clothes to go out TD: Nothing will fit; pants will be tight;...


Read AnswerI’m working on my model on failure. The fear of failure is keeping me stuck over the years. I think it’s the underlying cause of my poor self-esteem. C: failure TD: I’m not good enough I don’t belong to the group Nobody will like me...

Confident: Love vs Fear

Read AnswerAm I doing this right? Fear-based thoughts I have to work harder for my health. I will never get to enjoy gluten, dairy or coffee without negative health effects. People will judge my unhealthy looks and choices if I don’t follow my own advice. I don’t have...

Confident: Processing feelings

Read AnswerTrigger event: tight clothes Physical sensations: suffocated, sensitive, heavy, constricted. Name of Emotion: Fear & Shame (self-conscious) Trigger event: Thought of recent job loss. Physical sensation: tense, sensitive, queasy. Emotion: shame, guilt,...

Confidence storylines

Read AnswerI know I struggle with my confidence but I am not sure I understand how to break it up into circumstance, perspective, thought, emotion, action and result. I don’t know how to gauge my family’s confidence levels while growing up, and not sure how it...