Read AnswerI’ve spent half of my life studying holistic and functional nutrition. I’ve finally stopped restricting/dieting, but I feel torn between two worlds. I still believe that eating “clean” or eating in a certain way is the best way...
Read AnswerHello, I’m getting more and more accustomed to depersonalizing my thoughts and feelings. I remember questioning my thoughts and remind myself that “I am not my emotions, I only feel my emotions.” But I don’t know how to apply this to...
Read Answer Over Christmas I really indulged which resulted in a day-long gallbladder attack today. I can’t help but blame myself and the foods I’ve eaten and now I’m feeling guilt and shame. My functional nutrition background leads me to start...
Read AnswerCircumstance: I had a migraine. Medication worked but I had a bad – read unproductive – day. Did no shopping, no energy for cooking or what so ever. So when it was dinner time, I just made some fries. I felt ashamed, weak and guilt. TD: I have...
Read Answer Hi there! I was listening to the private podcast; Q&A 20…it talks about not eating and learning to feel the hunger. Well, my question is, when I do feel hungry, I have a hard time on WHAT to eat… Back story: I’ve done it all…....
Read AnswerMy mother would always tell me I ‘inhaled’ my food when I was younger. This practice, regardless of how ‘healthy’ I eat, and no matter what diet I am on, has never shifted in me. I am looking for insight around why I might eat so...