Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)Coach Stephanie and Coach Unyime “jam” on how we can smash down all the ways in which diet culture rear its ugly head. The goal: Call a truce and actually enjoy the holiday this year for all of...
Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)Coach Stephanie and Coach Unyime “jam” on how we can smash down all the ways in which diet culture rear its ugly head. The goal: Call a truce and actually enjoy the holiday this year for all of us! They “jam” on…....
Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This podcast will answer one listener’s question: “I just can’t stop thinking that my life would be better if I’d be in a smaller body. I don’t know how to get over...
Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)Every time we believe that we have no choice, we are in a victim mentality state. Our brain has us convinced we are the victim of...
Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This podcast will answer one listener’s question: I’m just too busy right now to start doing my personal work… I need to put it on hold now. Is that...
Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)Not making a decision is making a decision. Making sure you like the reason why you make a choice is key to becoming more empowered in decision...