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I don’t know if I am going through the model exactly right… but here’s what I came up with after watching several of the confident model videos. I have the unintentional (current) and intentional (desired) model. Would love any feedback you might offer!

C: I teach people about health and nutrition. I am in a larger body.
Nobody is going to take me seriously.
I don’t look healthy to other people.
My body shape reflects poorly on my professional goals.
I need to lose weight to be able to get clients who trust me.

T: My body shape reflects poorly on my professional goals.

F: Shame, avoidance

A: I do not get in front of the camera or in front of people as often as I should.
I do not speak to my services with the level of confidence that I really have in them.

R: If nobody sees me, nobody knows me, and it is slow to gain clients for my business.

C: I teach people about health and nutrition. I am in a larger body.

T: Body size has very little to do with health.
People judging my body probably are not ready to ditch diet culture and be my clients right now anyhow.
I know that my insides are healthy, and what others presume to know has no relevance.
Potential clients seeing me in a larger body and exuding confidence may allow them to feel that they can do the same thing.

F: Empowered, enthusiastic, motivated

A: I speak about my journey honestly with other people.
I continue to show up and deliver truth in my business no matter what I look like.

R: My ideal clients are people like me, and they will be attracted to work with me because of my value of authenticity



This is a great beginning work…

The first place I would look is the C…. it’s not neutral. Larger body is an opinion not a fact. Larger than what? I would suggest that the C: teaching health & nutrition my body the rest is a T.

C: teaching health & nutrition with my body
??My body is too large to teach nutrition and health???
Nobody is going to take me seriously.
I don’t look healthy to other people.
My body shape reflects poorly on my professional goals.
I need to lose weight to be able to get clients who trust me.

Next, you need to flush out each T individually. This is really important for you to see and become aware of how through your action you create the R currently present in your life. 1 T to 1 F to 1 R. This is where 80% of the work is in self-coaching.

Remember that your R is proving your T right. So for each model, how are you creating the R reflecting your T through your actions?

C: teaching health & nutrition with my body
T Nobody is going to take me seriously.

C: teaching health & nutrition with my body
T I don’t look healthy to other people

C: teaching health & nutrition with my body
T My body shape reflects poorly on my professional goals

C: teaching health & nutrition with my body
T I need to lose weight to be able to get clients who trust me

Once this is done, you can take time and reflect and ask yourself, “What A or F do I want to create for myself. Based on your first sentence, it has to do with confidence.

C: teaching health & nutrition with my body
F: Confidence

Next step is what actions do I want to take?

C: teaching health & nutrition with my body
F : Confidence
A’s: ______, ______, _______, ________

And then what T(1) do I need to think to create confidence and these A’s?

And then the R will be proving your T right.

So go back to work and resubmit when you have it reworked. Take your time; this is BIG work. As a practitioner in a non-conforming body to the thin ideal, this is everything. This model will be how you will create business success and transform people’s life.

Good work!