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I’m submitting to check on my working through the model.

C Beginning to do online teaching with a co-teacher
I would be good enough. She has a PhD. I won’t be able to handle all of the aspects of the computer. I will look like a fool to my co-teacher and students.
T: I can’t do this. helpless
F: I experience a great deal of tension in my neck and shoulders.
A: Kill myself in an effort to perform well.
R: Take way too much time to work on this, which takes time away from all other aspects of my life.



I’m glad you showed up for coaching!

First off, this is really well done… 80% there! Let’s look at each line.

C is neutral.

You have TD. Single thought. Clear concise thoughts.

Now, where the opportunity for you is when you are breaking down each T from your TD. The first model you gave us is not a T from your TD and includes an emotion.

C Beginning to do online teaching with a co-teacher

TD I would be good enough.
She has a PhD.
I won’t be able to handle all of the aspects of the computer.
I will look like a fool to my co-teacher and students.
I can’t do this.

T I can’t do this.
F: helpless

The tension your feel in your neck is the precursor sensation, not the actual feeling.

Next is the A line… You need to dig deeper in action, reaction, inaction that happen before, during and after the online teaching. I like to use the precursor: When I feel X, how do I react? What do I avoid?
Also, your current R is actually an action.

T I can’t do this.
F: helpless
A: over-perform -Kill myself in an effort to perform well, overprepare -Take way too much time to work on this
Did you over-prepare? How did you react after class? Did you over-analyze your performance? Did you ruminate on all the “bad”? Did you blame others? Did you fall into numbing habits?

Your R proves your T right. If you think you can’t do this, you will either not do it or overanalyze it, ruminate on it or spend so much time on it that you will come to the conclusion that you are not good enough to do this “normally”.

T I can’t do this.
F: helpless
A: over-perform -Kill myself in an effort to perform well, over=prepare -Take way too much time to work on this
R: You prove to yourself you can’t do this.

Hope this helps you. Next for you is to breakdown each T in your TD in an individual model. From there, you will be able to see patterns in T and A and identify the real issue. Then you’ll be able to determine what you need to think intentionally to change the R for this C.

T: I would be good enough.

T: She has a PhD.

T: I won’t be able to handle all of the aspects of the computer.

T: I will look like a fool to my co-teacher and students.

Resubmit when you have all your models are done and your intentional models, and we will review them with you.