Thank you for submitting your question and I will answer it in 3 parts.
The following is not medical advice. We would advise you to consult your medical health professional for specific advice regarding your gallbladder attack.
#1: Get educated to what the gallbladder and your current health situation.
The gallbladder is the organ responsible for the production of bile. Bile is a fluid that is responsible for the digestion of fat present in our food. When we eat the gallbladder releases bile to digest food. The more food we have to digest or the more fat is present in the food we eat the more the gallbladder will need to produce bile.
Typically what folks describe as “gallbladder attack” is an inflammation of the gallbladder due to the presence of gallstones in the binary duct of the gallbladder preventing the release of bile for digestion.
So based on your health assessment of having a “gallbladder attack” it looks like you have a compromised gallbladder with a reduced capacity to function. There are products and remedies that exist that will help you support your compromised gallbladder. Typically with patients diagnosed with this situation, we suggest using bile salts ( a synthetic form of bile fluid) when eating to offset their gallbladder reduce the production of bile. You can access Stephanie’s private dispensary and see the products she recommends here: Supplement Guide
Fatphobia is present in every way we engage with our body include our health challenges. If you were thin and had been thinking all of your life would you blame yourself for lack of food restriction? Or would you seek a solution like the one above without shame and guilt?
#2: The word indulge…
I know you state that you are new so this will be a great teaching moment. Typically when women use the word “indulge” it means they believe they have “overeat” or that the food they think they shouldn’t. The word indulge is a deeply embedded diet culture word intended to create shame, guilt, and all other kinds of unproductive emotions.
I would coach you to remove this word from your language. You ate point. you didn’t indulge you ate. Using the word indulge keeps you in a shame & guilt relationship to food.
#3 Good and Bad food…
That principle #1 from intuitive eating…The Peaceful course will take you thru this. We teach you why labeling food as “good or bad” trigger rebellion and “ compulsive behaviors” around food. Removing the labeling and making peace with food will allow you to treat food as neutral.
All food are food point. Some food works better in your body than others and only you know that. That your journey to figure out what food is better for you. The process of intuitive eating will move you from Instead of restricting food because they are “bad” to choosing to eat certain food because they make you feel best.
So maybe for you, food that has a lot of fat in it isn’t making you feel best since they cause your compromised gallbladder to have to work really hard. Once you can see this food as neutral ( after a few months of intuitive eating) you’ll be able to make choice, without guilt or shame as a motivator, that respects your body and gallbladder naturally.
#4 Health beyond weight…
What else can you do to help support your body and gallbladder? It’s well recognized that stress is a major effect on glass bladder health. How can you manage your stress level better to support your gallbladder? Also moving lightly and regularly is recognize to help support the better function of the gallbladder. Can you move your body more often in an effort to support your gallbladder?