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I’m having trouble with all of it right now. I’m being extremely judgmental about body size. I don’t like to admit this to you because I don’t want to offend anyone in anyway, however, I have to address my judgment and I don’t know how else to do it. I don’t want to participate in a program that will just make it ok for me to be fat. I know that sounds terrible, but that’s the truth. I want to be free, but I don’t want to be fat and free. That’s the truth of it. Maybe you can help me come to grips with this and maybe you will kick me out. I just need to be truthful about what is going on with me.


Good day! This is a powerful question… and top of mind to most of our members. I wanted to answer this question in depth so we spent 30 minutes of our most recent Live Coaching Call to explain the solution step by step with one of our members.

I use the whiteboard and work through with examples on how to resolve this situation.

Please go to the Recordings page > Collective Coaching Call > November 19, 2020.