Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)Do you catch yourself blaming your body for what’s going “bad” in your life? If this Is you, this podcast will likely change your...
Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This podcast will answer two listeners questions: I can accept someone else in a larger body, but I can’t do it for myself? How can I stop these food cravings that aren’t good for...
Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This podcast will answer two listeners questions: Can you explain why emphasizing Intuitive Eating should be a priority? How can do I set boundaries with my...
Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)You know now that confidence is not the outcome of your perfection or thinner body but how do you build your own self-confidence after years of not feeling confident? This episode will show you...