92-Confidence Bootcamp Week 5

Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This is the recording of the weekly coaching for Week 5 of the Confidence Bootcamp held in March & April...

91-Confidence Bootcamp Week 4

Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This is the recording of the weekly coaching for Week 4 of the Confidence Bootcamp held in March & April...

90-Confidence Bootcamp Week 3

Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This is the recording of the weekly coaching for Week 3 of the Confidence Bootcamp held in March & April...

89-Confidence Bootcamp Week 2

Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This is the recording of the weekly coaching for Week 2 of the Confidence Bootcamp held in March & April...

88-Confidence Bootcamp Week 1

Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)This is the recording of the weekly coaching for Week 1 of the Confidence Bootcamp held in March & April...

87-Good Girl Syndrome

Undiet Your Life Private Podcast: (Protected Content)What is the good girl syndrome and how does it impact your relationship to food &...