18 – Making Money

Non-Diet Coaching Certification Students Private Podcast: (Protected Content)What will make me money? Is it more A-line stuff or more T-line stuff? That the questions we...

17 – The Right Pricing

Non-Diet Coaching Certification Students Private Podcast: (Protected Content)How much should I charge? Is it too much? Is it too little? The right pricing doesn’t exist… there’s no formula. It’s all...

16 – You Are The Product

Non-Diet Coaching Certification Students Private Podcast: (Protected Content)What you sell is YOU. You are the product that people buy. Once you get this and live it… selling your offer becomes super...

15 – Imposter Syndrome

Non-Diet Coaching Certification Students Private Podcast: (Protected Content)If you are a women you are likely to have experience imposter syndrome at some point. The imposter syndrome is when: you doubts your skills, talents or accomplishments and you have...